Circuit breaker auxiliary switches are widely used in power distribution equipment, power generation equipment and transmission lines. It can not only provide reliable power control and protection, but also simplify the operation process and improve the reliability and safety of the system.
1. Power distribution equipment: In power distribution equipment, circuit breaker auxiliary switches are often used in conjunction with circuit breakers to achieve interlock protection of the power system. When a fault such as current overload or short circuit occurs, the auxiliary switch can cut off the power supply in time to protect the safe operation of the distribution equipment and power supply system.
2. Power generation equipment: In power generation equipment, the circuit breaker auxiliary switch plays an important role. It can monitor the current, voltage and other parameters of the generator set, and protect the operation according to the set conditions. When the power generation equipment is abnormal, the auxiliary switch will send a signal to trigger the circuit breaker action to ensure the safe operation of the generator set.
3. Transmission line: In the transmission line, the role of the circuit breaker auxiliary switch is particularly important. It can realize the remote monitoring and control of the transmission line and ensure the stable operation of the power system. When a line fault occurs, the auxiliary switch can cut off the fault in time to prevent the expansion of the fault and improve the reliability of power supply.